Pittsfield township trash
Pittsfield township trash

in person during office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm (closed from 1:00-1:30pm daily for lunch).Option A: You can pay your bills at the Township Office: Sewer bills and tax bills can be paid with cash, check, credit card/debit card*, or money order. Wild Life Rescue - Friends of Wildlife Rescue.

pittsfield township trash

Washenaw County Animal Control.( 734) 256-7657 Washtenaw County Clerk/Register of Deeds.(734) 222-6700 Washtenaw County Treasurer's Office.(734) 222-6600 Washtenaw County Road Commission.(734) 761-1500

pittsfield township trash

University of Michigan Hospital.(734) 936-4000 Northfield Township Community Center.(734) 449-2295 Northfield Township Building Department.(734) 449-5000 Northfield Township Fire (non-emergency).(734) 449-2385 Northfield Township Police (non-emergency).(734) 449-9911 If you have another solution to concealing your trash cans, please submit it to the WCHA Board of Directors or the ABR for approval.Northfield Township Police & Fire Emergency.911 A white utility fence has been approved by the ARB for use to conceal your trash cans by your home, it can be purchased from Lowe's (Barrette 46-in x 32-in White Vinyl Fence Panel: Item # 41009, as of 4/2015) you can also choose to use natural vegetation to conceal the trash cans. The WCHA bylaws require garbage cans to be concealed when not by the road for garbage pick-up, please be considerate to your neighbors and hide your trash cans. Please keep your trash in a sealed container or packaged, tied securely to conform to Township trash policies.

pittsfield township trash

9-24-1975) trash cans should not be placed at the curb earlier than 6 pm the night before garbage day and should be removed by 6 pm the night of garbage day. Please remember to bring your garbage cans in promptly, according to current Pittsfield ordinance (Ord. Another option to remove excess recycling or large trash items is through Pittsfield Township, vouchers are available for additional recycling needs or the disposal of large items.

pittsfield township trash

If garbage day falls on a Federal holiday, garbage pick-up will be on Thursday.

Pittsfield township trash