Kena is a game that for me evokes a feeling of a proper adventure, Not since Kameo have I been immediately engrossed within a game world.

Rot can be used quickly or by aiming and firing.Courage can drop and charge up the meter faster.As you take out the hearts, you will restore life and color to the land.New game plus allows you to start again but with all your abilities intact.When enemies spawn they cause the Rot to run away, attacking enemies will raise their courage and allow you to use Rot actions.Rot is the little creatures you collect and have to follow you around, you can interact with them and use them to interact with the environment.Five difficulties – story, apprentice spirit, spirit, expert spirit, and master spirit.Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, rebind controls for both the keyboard and the controller buttons.Graphics settings – resolution, window mode, graphics API, v-sync, motion blur intensity slider, graphics quality preset, benchmark test, visible rot, FPS limit, depth of field, motion blur, volumetric fog, ambient occlusion, post-processing quality, textures, foliage, and shadows.